Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chuck Knoll knew in camp he had a good one!! Thanks Mean Joe!!-nfl

  I bought a soccer shirt at North Texas State that had a soccer ball on the front, an eagle flying down towards it and the wording said "Mean Green Soccer." I wondered why the eagle? cheap nfl jerseys

Turns out that Joe Greene was so dominant in his 4 years at N. Texas State(his senior year they led the nation by hold the opponents running game to less than 3 yards a carry) that they adopted the "Mean Green" for their football team and all the other sports followed.. nfl jerseys free shipping When the Steelers had training camp and had the "Oklahoma Drill" where one offensive lineman goes one on one with a defensive lineman and a running back tries to get by, Mean Joe was tossing the lineman aside like puppets! Chuck Knoll knew in camp he had a good one!! Thanks Mean Joe!!Wholesale 2013 Pro Bowl

WOW!!! Thanks, Mean Joe! I'm quoting the kid from the Coke commercial Joe did some years ago, but I really do mean it, "THANKS!" Players like him are the reason I became a Steelers' fan!!!


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